Home Funeral

Package Completely arranged home and cremation in the crematorium.

(Depending on which crematorium you choose, you have to take into account extra costs if the cremation takes place at the weekend. Cremation in the evenings also is a extra costs in some crematoria.)
    • Transport of the deceased to our service center.
      -Complete care and clothing of the deceased.
      -Delivery of a neat funeral coffin.
      - Taking care of the declaration of death in the municipality of death.
      - Death certificate.
      - Funeral car Black on Gray
      -3 days in the house
      - Check at home every day
      -Cremation service 60 min
      -Day and time of the cremation takes place in consultation with the crematorium.
      -24/7 phone support.
      -Remove ICD or pacemaker (if present)
      - Cashing in policies (administration costs)
      - Providing the ash in carton box.
      -Condolence register free
      - funeral flowers discount coupon 25-, euro

Package price:


Our funeral rates without hidden costs , clear and  transparent .




(Services that you can buy extra add in, and extra costs that can be added in price)

    - Taking care of a declaration of a death by a GGD doctor 90.00
    - Home (in bed or in the coffin) including transport to the crematorium 449.00
    -50 mourning cards incl. Layout and shipping service 249.00
    -Abus or urn have delivered to Zuid Holland and Utrecht
    -Mourning visit 45 min 149.00
    -Coffee, tea, soft drinks per person from 2.25
    - Excluding any mortuary costs if the place of death is the hospital or nursing home from 150.00
    - Pickup supplement for deceased persons between 23:00 - 08:00 hour 150.00
    -Surcharge weekend cremation from 350.00


    More Info About This Package

    Affordable cremation and burial is possible for everyone!

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